The U.S. Navy SEAL Survival Handbook

Learn the Survival Techniques and Strategies of America's Elite Warriors

As the elite of the military elite, U.S. Navy SEALs know that they can be deployed anywhere in the world at a moment’s notice. Whether in a temperate, tropical, arctic, or subarctic region, they might find themselves alone in a remote area with little or no personal gear.

Never Get Lost AGAIN! - As a former Navy SEAL, not only did I enjoy Don Mann’s Navy SEAL Survival Handbook, but learned several things as well.This book is written by a career Navy SEAL combat medic and life long adventure racer. He knows more about surviving in potentially dan- gerous situations / nature than anyone I personally know. I look forward to keeping this book readily available - just in case!”

by Stew Smith, Navy SEAL Fitness Author 


“The Navy SEAL Survival Handbook is a comprehensive guide from an expert with the experience to back it up!The Navy Seal Survival Handbook is a terri c, one stop source for your survival needs.”

—by Randy Spivey, CEO and Founder, Center for Personal Protection and Safety 

Don Mann's impressive military biography includes being a decorated combat veteran; Corpsman; Seal Specialist Operations Technician; jungle survivor, desert survival, and artic survival instructor; and survival, evade, resistance, and escape instructor; in addition to other credentials.



“It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.”

— Charles Darwin

Life can change in an instant. One moment you’re trekking along a mountain ridge, and suddenly struck by a rattlesnake. One minute you’re skiing down a mountain, the next you’re facing an oncoming avalanche.

Navy SEALs are trained to face dangerous situations all over the world — at sea, in the air, and on land. They understand that every time they launch a mission, unforeseen circumstances — flash floods, aircraft crashes, poisonous insect, animal or marine life bites — can cause them to be trapped in an unfriendly environment, cut off from communication to outside support. With every tick of the clock, their situation can become more desperate. As Navy SEALs, we’re trained to deal with these emergencies. We learn how to survive in the harshest of environments without food and water.

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But what if, God forbid, something like that happens to you? Will you know how to treat yourself if you’re bitten by a poisonous snake? Will you know what plants you can extract water from if trapped in the desert? Or how to protect you and your teammates from freezing to death in the mountains? The answer to all these questions should be “yes.”

As Navy SEALs we learn to understand potential dangers, and plan for emergencies.

This handbook is all about developing the SEAL survival mindset, and arming yourself with the appropriate survival techniques for numerous potentially fatal scenarios.

We live in a dangerous world. It’s every individual’s responsibility to be prepared.



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